Josh Cody served as our associate editor for several years before moving on to bigger things. Like Texas. These days he lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, and you can find him online or on Twitter when he's not wrestling code.
Daylight Saving Time has come and gone, to the anger of most of the churched world. It meant waking up an hour earlier to get the service ready, show up ...
It’s that time of year. “What time of year?” ask the Baptists. (I couldn’t resist that joke, too easy.) It’s Lent, or, according to Wikipedia:
“…the period of the liturgical year ...
You might remember St. Matthew-in-the-City from their Mary and Joseph billboard a few months back. They’re making headlines again, but this time, I’m a little more sold on what they’re ...
Erik Germesin recently wrote a gap-bridging piece for pastors and designers. It’s no secret that pastors can find designers to be troublesome to work with, and vice-versa. For whatever reason, ...
The New Year has brought plenty of jobs and freelance opportunities to the Job Lab and Freelance Lab. If you’re in the market to help the church communicate and make ...
The Smithsonian Institution made some waves a few months ago with their social media strategy. It’s hard to know if they were being frustrating over-achievers or meticulously-documented marketers, but it ...
After five-and-a-half years of Church Marketing Sucks, we thought it was about time to check your feelings on the state of church marketing–where we’ve been and where we’re going. Here’s ...
The most important game of the year played with an oblong air-pocket covered in leather, which airs around the beginning of February, is no stranger to us. We’ve covered it ...
Last week, we talked about your feelings on the way churches responded to the Haitian disaster.
Us? We were beaming with pride. And dreaming of a future where the church is ...
Recently the New York Times examined the growing practice of churches and evangelical groups creating mixed martial arts ministries.
[A particular martial arts ministry] is one of a small but growing ...
Kevin Finn recently gave churches the challenge to get their sermons online. And we were curious just how many of our intrepid readers were already part of churches who make ...
If you’re not keeping up with the Freelance Lab and Job Lab, you might have missed this note. Church Marketing Sucks and our parent organization, the Center for Church Communication, ...
The recent disaster in Haiti was of a scale unheard of in the Western Hemisphere. Some of you shared stories of how your churches were responding to the disaster in ...
Recently, Jeff Goins, who has blogged for us before, had the opportunity to interview Seth Godin as part of a blog tour for his new book, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? ...
We covered Saddleback’s request for money at the end of 2009 recently, but we wanted to know how their request made you feel. What do you think of churches doing ...