More and more churches are trying to do the right thing, beyond simple evangelism. They’re reimagining everything they do and each step in their processes to see if they’re glorifying ...
Here’s some interesting research that looks at Apple’s branding and its impact on viewers:
[Researchers at Duke University] found that exposing people to a brand’s logo for 30 milliseconds will make ...
56% of you pastors out there haven’t started blogging yet, according to a super scientific poll done by the Church Marketing Sucks Polling & Research Department. Now, a lot of ...
A few of you were very excited to see the poll results this week, and that’s exactly what Tuesdays are about–hanging out at your computer, constantly refreshing Church Marketing Sucks ...
I’m heading to New York this week for the Q conference. Last year was the debut of this event and I really enjoyed it so I’m going again. This year ...
If you read Church Marketing Sucks often, then you’ll see the word “brand” come up here and there. It’s used as a noun, meaning the collection of your logo, letterhead, ...
Church Marketing Lab time. If you’re not getting involved over there, you’re missing out on a ton. There’s discussions on church directories, Local Labs, purpose statements and more, as well ...
Over the last several weeks I’ve been working my way through Phil Cooke‘s latest book, Branding Faith: Why Some Churches and Nonprofits Impact Culture and Others Don’t. I’ve known Phil ...
Some people hate to love them; other people love to hate them; still others could care less. Church greeters.
Honestly, to me, it seems like a pretty tough gig. You have ... announced yesterday a bold idea to bring churches together this summer around a series called One Prayer. It’s a call to churches around the world to rally around a ...
I’m looking forward to popping in and out of the Awaken conference this week in Pasadena, Calif. Aside from it taking place in my backyard (10 miles from my office), ...
This is the last of my three guest posts here at Church Marketing Sucks on the best practices for Internet ministry. In my first post, I explained how my research ...
As the Church Marketing Lab nears 2,000 members, we want to remind you that anyone can take part. Whether you’re a designer, a person with a question or someone with ...
Finishing up (to the best of my knowledge) a whirlwind tour around the world from England to Belgium to Australia, we’ve now got Norman Clack from the Republic of South ...
You’ve probably seen a raving, ranting black preacher talking about racism and “God damn America” with a fiery anger on just about every TV channel. The news media found some ...