It’s been more than six years since the inaugural post on Church Marketing Sucks. Some of you will hopefully find this hard to believe, but back then, one of the issues we saw constantly was churches making a fool of themselves with typos. But we had to wonder: have things really gotten better over these years? Or are churches still stuck in their mistyping ways?
Luckily, almost half of you are nearly embarrassment-free! That’s 48% of respondents who say they’ve cut the typos down to practically zero, and they’ve got us beaming with joy.
Even better, another 42% are improving, but you’re not there yet. Over the last six years, thanks in likely no part to us, you’ve made progress. And hey, that’s a great start.
Sadly, 10% of you are stuck in your poor key-pecking habits. You haven’t yet figured out how one uses a spell checker, and you certainly aren’t going over things twice. But hey, there’s always the next six years, right? …right?
This week, we’re going to talk a bit about a hot topic issue: What do you make of the shenanigans going on recently between Muslims and Christians? Go ahead and let your voice be heard in this week’s poll.