Some hear “SEO” and adrenaline starts pumping, veins pulse and palms sweat in excitement as you dream of rising to Google’s top result. More of you probably hear “SEO” and ...
Recently, my mother asked me, “Do you twit?” I’ll give you a little context for why this matters. I’ve never even heard her use the term “Facebook,” although once, after ...
Is your church ready for the unthinkable? Unfortunately, church violence has happened more than once, with incidents making the news too often. So it’s probably a pretty good idea to ...
Recently, Seth Godin lauded the advantages of YouTube over traditional advertising. (We assume he was motivated to write this after seeing our poll question this week. Thanks, Seth!) And it ...
A couple weeks ago, Seth Godin said some things about design capabilities that set off a firestorm in the Church Marketing Lab. So we wanted to know what kind of ...
Last week, we asked which of the Holy Week festivities your church would be observing this year. Here’s what you had to say:
Coming up first was, of course, Easter Sunday. ...
At the risk of igniting another comment firestorm, we asked you if you were ready to put your pastor in a box. In our earlier article, comments ranged from thought-provoking ...
We’re always curious to know exactly what you do as we plan and discuss our scope and content. We’ve asked this question three times before, and we wanted to see ...
Treasurers love it, and visitors dread it. There are tons of problems with passing the plate: what the heck do you do to fill that time from the stage? What ...
Many of you who are reading this are involved in churches where marketing isn’t ever approached. And when it is approached, it’s with about as much caution as is humanly ...
From time to time, we hear arguments that church marketing is bad, evil or sinful. Most of these folks posit that marketing is inherently a bad thing as it supports ...
You guys are passionate about screwing up on Sunday. Well, not screwing up on Sunday that is. Nearly 400 of you let us know what irks you most when churches ...
Yes! Only 4% of you don’t have a web site! Amen.
Excuse me. What I meant to say was: Last week, we were wondering how important you would say your church’s ...
Last week we asked which conference you’d attend if you had a free ride. The clear winner was the Catalyst conference with 25% of the vote (Don’t forget about 10% ...