Favorite Poll Poll Results

June 26, 2007 by

2007_06_26favoritepoll.jpgI’m not a statistics whiz by any means. I’m not licensed to analyze poll results. Gallup has never contacted me about a job. I’m pretty sure, however, that 62 responses is not a very solid sample size. To celebrate our 100th poll, I managed to write a question that only 62 people responded to … thus, I apologize. Moving on.

Last week, we wanted to know which of our polls you liked the best, and 37% of you agreed that Profanity Vanity was the best poll in our history. People love a little profanity in their lives. Another 31% of you most enjoyed our poll on Crummy Clever Church Signs.

A tie came in at numbers three and four for our Worship Technology poll and Church Plant poll at 13% of you. Finally, 2% of you (or 1.25 of you) best liked How Long Have You Checked Us Out?

The moral of the story? Write polls with lower barriers to entry. You guys don’t want to click on each of those links to see which poll was best. You don’t want to have to rack your brain to remember which was which. Well, 62 of you do, but the rest don’t.

So we’ll give it another shot this week. Look just to the right and tell us whether you are a member of our Church Marketing Lab.

Post By:

Joshua Cody

Josh Cody served as our associate editor for several years before moving on to bigger things. Like Texas. These days he lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, and you can find him online or on Twitter when he's not wrestling code.
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Poll Results