Julie Snyder is the communications director at Southside Church of Christ in Lebanon, Oregon.
What’s your favorite part about celebrating Easter at your church?
In Oregon the winter is so bleak and gray. Christmas has this beauty and wonder, and then after that people get into a rut and it’s all very depressing. Easter is a spark! New ministries, new faces, sunshine, flowers and most importantly… the story of life! There’s a rush, a thrill that picks up momentum for the rest of the year.
Share one cool way your church is spreading the word about Easter this year:
Oh we’re so boring! Facebook announcement/invites, bulletin insert invite thingies, slides, website, *gasp* reader board (the marquee signs with letters)… nothing new and exciting here. I have some ideas for next year though!
How do you keep your focus on the joy of Easter amid the stress of looming deadlines and long hours?
My husband bought me a 90-minute massage for Christmas….I’m using it right after Easter! So the hope of that is keeping me going.
Need More? 3 Easter Resources:
- Get more Easter ideas with our growing collection of articles, examples, and more.
- Check out our book, Super Sunday: Planning Easter for Your Church, for tips on how to plan, promote, and survive Easter.
- Go deeper for even more Easter resources and join our Courageous Storytellers Membership Site. You'll get access to downloadable resources including planners, guides, worksheets, graphics, and more.