It’s been over a week now since a large portion of the world engaged in the annual honoring of their fathers. But what did churches do for the dads in the crowd? We turned to you to find out.
The biggest chunk of churches keep it subtle for Father’s Day: A little sermon mention or a graphical slide as a nod to the male parenting units in attendance. Or maybe a rendition of Butterfly Kisses or Watching You. Perhaps even a medley?
So that was 33% of you, and next up, with 28% of the vote, are churches who gave the whole sermon to fathers. Whether it was an exhortation to leave a legacy or a meditation on the fatherly characteristics of God, you kept the sermon focused on fatherhood.
The 22% of churches with dads who were happiest they got to church? That’d be those generous givers who donated anything from candy to weed whackers to lucky dads in the crowd. Let’s hear it, giving fifth of churches: What did you give away to honor fathers?
And finally, cue the sad trombone, 17% of you didn’t do anything for Father’s Day. You left that to the moms and children, instead focusing on business as usual.
This week, like much of the world, our focus is shifting from father figures to sports heroes as we ask: The most widely-viewed sporting event in the world kicked off this month. Will the World Cup factor into your church marketing?
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