The Mosaic Alliance is hosting the Awaken 2008 conference this April 1-3 in Pasadena, Calif. They invited a handful of people to do some guest blogging leading up to the ...
This is an open question to local churches everywhere, specifically predominantly-white congregations: Where were the MLK Day celebrations?
Firsthand, I heard of none*. A news search led me to the celebration ...
There’s a thousand ways to distribute news–blogs, mailers, e-mails, Twitter, Bat Symbols, etc. We wanted to know what works for your church and how you distribute your news. Here’s what ...
This is fun: A Minnesota newspaper does a story about the city cracking down on “eyesores” and the accompanying front-page photo features a billboard for a local church with “Jesus” ...
This is part three in a series from the book by James B. Twitchell titled Shopping for God: How Christianity Went From In Your Heart To In Your Face.
Twitchell suggests ...
The Church Marketing Lab has been bustling with activity as people get ready for everything from Valentine’s Day to Easter. Here’s a taste of what we’ve seen this week:
Here’s a ...
This is part two in a series from the book by James B. Twitchell titled Shopping for God: How Christianity Went From In Your Heart To In Your Face.
Twitchell starts ...
A Minnesota tech company is hosting the F1 Overnight Web Site Challenge, where teams of geeks will create fully functional web sites for Minnesota nonprofits in only 24 hours. Public ...
Over the Christmas break I took a couple of days and read James B. Twitchell’s latest book, Shopping for God: How Christianity Went From In Your Heart To In Your ...
We can’t all be super techies. Not everyone has an intimate understanding of every new technology trend or can keep pace with all the Twittering, Digging or StumbleUponing.
But never ...
If you’ve kept up with the presidential race at all, you’ve been bombarded with tricky ploys, clever slogans, crazy ads and a thousand other marketing moves. So we wanted to ...
I blogged an entry recently on Personality‘s site about knowing the mission, doing the vision and treating people really well.
It’s an approach I learned a few years ago from Jared ...
We see from the Blogging Pastor Poll Results that were posted back in November that 72% of pastors aren’t blogging successfully. I can’t imagine that the percentage has changed over ...
We thought you might be interested to know what’s been going on in the Church Marketing Lab over the past week and a half, so here’s a little taste for ...
I came across Drew McCarty in the Church Marketing Lab, and he was looking for some advice for a church plant (Drew’s note: new web site coming soon) that was ...