As you browse the Internet, you’re likely to find tons of church resources. Some are free, some are not. Some are free digitally, but not physically. We asked how you ...
If your church is thinking about a redesign (and who isn’t?), you might want to check out 21 factors to consider before a redesign. It’s exactly what it sounds like ...
This is part three in a three-part series about church marketing lessons learned from my recent trip to Haiti.
Preach the Word, Not the ProblemIn a post earlier this year, I ...
I guess tomorrow there’s some big game–the Super Bowl or something. They’re talking about it in the Church Marketing Lab and churches across the country are having parties–though perhaps warily.
Last ...
The Church Marketing Lab is growing leaps and bounds–over 1,600 members and over 3,700 submissions now. And that’s not even counting all of the phenomenal discussion topics. If you just ...
This is part two in a three-part series about church marketing lessons learned from my recent trip to Haiti.
A Holistic Approach to Church Works WellAlthough commonplace in third-world countries, it ...
I just recently returned from being in Haiti with my wife and family. It was a part of our alternate holiday plans as we continue to re-imagine what Christmas is ...
Last week, we asked exactly what you do with the church bulletin when you get it. You spoke out in big numbers, and it looks like the bulletin is staying.
62% ...
The article “Banned from church” appeared on the front page of the “Weekend Journal” section of a recent Wall Street Journal. The piece is about churches that are reviving the ...
The mini-blog application Twitter seems to be the new shiny tech toy of late (which means it’s already old news). So what is Twitter? Basically you send out 140-character to ...
Are you a designer who likes to meet other awesome designers? Or maybe you’re an Average Joe with a voracious appetite for organizing large groups of people to meet together? ...
Scott Magdalein had the opportunity to ask blog marketing god Seth Godin three questions. Two of them were about church marketing. Although the questions and answers are somewhat basic and ...
It’s time for your once-weekly dose of Church Marketing Lab. Here’s a little snippet of what’s been going on, but make sure to get over there and check out the ...
This is the fourth and final part in a series from the book by James B. Twitchell titled Shopping for God: How Christianity Went From In Your Heart To In ...
The geek world has been abuzz lately regarding Ars Technica’s look at the ethics of stealing wifi. At Church Marketing Sucks, we don’t make too much of an effort to ...