It’s a hot topic right now, the relationship between Father God and Mother Earth. With everyone and their brother describing everything they do as “green,” whether or not it’s good ...
I mentioned last week about the conversation my wife and I are a part of with a handful of churches in Northeast Los Angeles discussing issues of poverty, homelessness, education, ...
Amidst end-of-the-semester craziness, a wealth of links have come my way. And now, they’re coming your way. So if you want to delay the start of your Monday, check out ...
Don’t you owe it to moms all over the world to give them the best designs ever? Head to the Church Marketing Lab and give some feedback for these Mother’s ...
For those counting–you know who you are–it’s been 31 months since our last update about the infamous Don’t Suck list. Lots of people have made suggestions publicly on this site, ...
Last week’s poll/quiz revealed the encouraging stat that 62% of churches have a web site, up from 57% in 2005 and 34% in 2000. The results come from a recent ...
The most recent Barna poll asked about church technology usage, comparing the results across the years 2000, 2005 and 2007. We decided to quiz you and see how well you ...
Earlier this week my wife and I were part of a conversation with a handful of churches brought together in Northeast Los Angeles. Those present were about as eclectic as ...
We’ve seen some good action in our Freelance Lab and Job Lab since our announcement that they’re free forever. If you haven’t been checking them out, here are some opportunities ...
Let’s talk numbers here for a minute. We’re only 52 members away from the 2,000 mark in the Church Marketing Lab, and the conversations just get better and better. Last ...
If you haven’t heard, Flickr added video capabilities to their photo-sharing site. And if you didn’t know, the Church Marketing Lab runs on Flickr. What does that mean to you?
Well ...
Local Labs have really been taking off. They’ve been organic and exponential so far, so we wanted to see how an average reader would feel about a Local Lab in ...
If you’re familiar with our Church Marketing Lab, you know it runs as a Flickr group. And if you’re familiar with Flickr, you know they recently started allowing the upload ...
As we launched our new Social Justice category, we wanted to know whether your church puts a priority on social justice. Here’s the breakdown of what you had to say:
31% ...