Last week, we asked what you thought about all this environmental ethics and going green. I’ll have to admit, I’m pleasantly surprised with the results.
A true majority, 58% of you, think that it’s pretty important, and we ought to show the world we care. How are you doing this? Recycled paper? Compact fluorescent light bulbs? Hybrid church vans? Communion with organic crackers?
15% of you think it could go either way. Less of you, 13%, think there are more important things to be worried about. You find yourselves amongst the American majority–the unconcerned. No judgment passed here, feel free to wait for some more evidence, but don’t be ignorant or apathetic for the whole world to see.
11% of you think it’s one of the most pressing issues for the church today. While 3% of you think the opposite, you say it’s ludicrous. Just make sure you’re not majoring on minors or ignoring a major.
All in all, you agree that there’s no simple answer to this problem. Approach it prayerfully with a mind for the world around you and for the future.
This week, we want to know what church marketing moves that we’ve looked at recently you liked best. Let your voice be heard and let the world know what you liked!
May 16, 2007
I have to credit Rob Bell for this but, how we feel about the creation should reflect how we feel about the creator. He cared enough to make it, shouldn’t we take care of it? more importantly, how would a non-believer view a Christian that didn’t worry about the environment? just a thought.
Truth Seeker
May 17, 2007
Rob Bell? Please!
TO care for the environment has always been a pillar of Protestantism. Luther talked about it. The beginnings of the modern industrial world was based on the assumption that the earth is given to men to use and to be good stewards of it thus sparking a growth in buisness and ways of providing work for all people everywhere. Unfortunately sin has overtaken that view and ruined some of it.
Rob Bell is just a small, tiny voice agains the backdrop of history. It was real men like Luther, Warfield, and others who taught that creation is to be cared for because it is the handiwork of God. Caring for the planet has always been a part of Protestantism. Many have taken great strides to protect the environment over the centuries, they just don’t go trumpeting about it like the liberal left.
Rob Bell? That’s the best you have? Wow! Read your history man!
May 17, 2007
actually i was just quoting him… didn’t wanna take credit for something i didnt say (bad marketing, dontcha think?). the point here is the content, not who said it or started it.
im well aware of luther, thanks, just trying to relate to people who maybe aren’t familiar. I’m sure there are some on this site that aren’t historians.
May 18, 2007
Truth Seeker,
I believe the Rob Bell reference was to the particular quote being made…not saying that Bell is the only person pointing people to take this seriously.
Not ony should we read our history, we should read into comments before blasting people.
May 18, 2007
Thanks Jason, that was what I meant.
June 2, 2007
I’ve been away from CMS due to a pretty heavy workload and am just now getting around to catching up.
Something I recently learned about the church I work at, (with attendance around 2500 on Sunday) is that we are extremely environmental. Living in Austin Texas over the recharge zone of the aquifer, our church is required to follow a number of standards set forth by the city. However, the things that our church does on our own is:
1) Recycle 80% of the runoff water from our facility back into the grounds for lawn maintance.
2) We partake in the wind energy program; meaning the power that is supplied to our facility is generated from windmills around the state.
3) We recycle most of our paper goods when possible. There are huge industrial recycle bins at either end of our facility.
4) Our thermostats have all been upgraded to electronic modules that will cycle off during peak power times throughout the city. They also cycle to a higher temp in the evening to cut down on electrical costs.
This is just to name a few. It came a surprise to me when I found most of this out. I wonder what other churches are doing to move more green.