A few weeks ago, we ran across a couple stories that could only be described as disturbing. One was The Big Picture’s photographic look at Holy Week. The second was ...
When I first heard about Internet Evangelism Day which is this Sunday, April 25, my critical sensors came alive and I may have even sneered a little, “Here we go ...
You might remember St. Matthew-in-the-City from their Mary and Joseph billboard a few months back. They’re making headlines again, but this time, I’m a little more sold on what they’re ...
This year our church made the decision to pull all of our traditional marketing dollars (phone book, newspaper, radio, etc.), and we moved it to equipping our people and staff ...
Last week, we talked about your feelings on the way churches responded to the Haitian disaster.
Us? We were beaming with pride. And dreaming of a future where the church is ...
Recently the New York Times examined the growing practice of churches and evangelical groups creating mixed martial arts ministries.
[A particular martial arts ministry] is one of a small but growing ...
The good folks at The Chapel in Chicago have come up with an interesting idea to spread the word and the warmth this year. It’s called Yule Log 4 A ...
Recently, a church in the San Diego area hosted an event, and then came under some heat. You can read the full story on San Diego’s 10news.com, but here is ...
We’ve covered plenty of churches who are trying to be edgy, stay relevant and communicate in a way that’s never been done before.
Satan hates [insert church here]
The 30-day sex challenge
Che ...
A sad reality is that 97% of evangelical Christians will die without ever sharing their faith (Which calls the term “evangelical” into question, eh?), so on Sunday, Outreach, Inc. tried ...
Kevin recently penned “The Episcopal Church: Come Watch Us Argue Over Gay People”, and Tim Schraeder added to the conversation with “Love is an Orientation”.
His article is a wonderful reminder ...
We thought new years, Easter, the first Sunday of fall and Christmas Eve were the best times to invite a friend. Did you know that September 13th is Back-to-Church Sunday? ...
One church in Michigan is skipping the giveaways, glitz and glamour. The LA Times tells the story of a church in a Michigan town, hit hard by the recession. They ...
I spent 90 minutes last week with a pastor from the northeast who was visiting Los Angeles for a few days. He moved to the United States from Ghana 20 ...