Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.

Kevin D. Hendricks's Posts:

Why Is Graphic Design Important for Churches?
May 21, 2015

Why Is Graphic Design Important for Churches?

"One of the main jobs of the church, if not the main job is to communicate—graphic design helps us do that well."


Church Visitor Horror Stories: Guest Preacher
May 20, 2015

Church Visitor Horror Stories: Guest Preacher

Under no circumstances is it appropriate to ask a visitor to preach. Come up with an emergency plan. Visitor as last-minute guest preacher is not a plan.


Follow Along With Creative Missions 2015
May 18, 2015

Follow Along With Creative Missions 2015

This year's Creative Missions team is currently serving local churches in Boise, Idaho. Follow along and support the team.


How Graphic Design Can Help Your Church on #cmschat
May 15, 2015

How Graphic Design Can Help Your Church on #cmschat

This week's #cmschat covered how graphic design can help your church, basics including hiring designers, the creative brief, tips and more.


Questions on Church Communication Strategy on #cmschat
May 8, 2015

Questions on Church Communication Strategy on #cmschat

For this week's #cmschat on Twitter we talked about the big questions you need to be asking about your church communication strategy.


Church Visitor Horror Stories: Time Change
May 6, 2015

Church Visitor Horror Stories: Time Change

Not updating your website with a special service time is a big problem, but don't compound that problem by running out of seats.


Mother’s Day Social Graphics: Free Downloads to Share
May 4, 2015

Mother’s Day Social Graphics: Free Downloads to Share

Mother's Day is the third most-attended Sunday of the year. Engage your social networks with our free Mother's Day social graphics.


Church Communication on the Cheap on #cmschat
May 2, 2015

Church Communication on the Cheap on #cmschat

This week's #cmschat on Twitter covered hacks, tips and ideas for how to do church communication on a shoestring budget.


Mother’s Day: Third Most Popular Sunday
April 29, 2015

Mother’s Day: Third Most Popular Sunday

Mother's Day is the third most attended Sunday of the year, but let's avoid some of the pitfalls of the day, from stereotypes to insensitivity.


Andy Swart: Pastor Who Understands Communication
April 27, 2015

Andy Swart: Pastor Who Understands Communication

We talk with our new board member, Andy Swart. He's a pastor in Arkansas who understands the value of communication.


Google’s Mobile Friendly Update on #cmschat
April 24, 2015

Google’s Mobile Friendly Update on #cmschat

Our chat covered Google's mobile friendly update, dubbed "#Mobilegeddon," and how it will impact your church website.


26 Giving Tips for Church Communicators
April 23, 2015

26 Giving Tips for Church Communicators

It's not always easy to talk about money in the church, but it's still important to communicate well. We've got 26 giving tips from the community.


Church Visitor Horror Stories: Congregation Fail
April 22, 2015

Church Visitor Horror Stories: Congregation Fail

Sometimes the greatest obstacle to welcoming new people into your church is the people in your church. Congregation fail.


The Purpose of Your Church Bulletin: Evaluate Before You Tweak
April 20, 2015

The Purpose of Your Church Bulletin: Evaluate Before You Tweak

What's the purpose of your church bulletin? Is it really the best tool for the job? Before you tweak your bulletin, consider its purpose.


Communications & Giving on #cmschat
April 17, 2015

Communications & Giving on #cmschat

We talked about how your communications team can positively impact giving at your church in the latest Twitter chat.