One church recently asked members to bring their guns to church. A whole heap of you weighed in with your comments, but we wanted to give you some cut-and-dry options to find out exactly how you, our readers, feel about this.
57% of you think that bringing guns to church sucks. You prefer not to be at a church where everyone is packing heat.
Another 23% of you are just wondering what guns have to do with marketing, and that’s a good question. When you ask people to bring their guns to church, you have marketed yourself in a certain way. And that’s why we’re asking about it.
The final 20% of you are totally in favor of churches supporting the right to bear arms, and you don’t see any issues with keeping churches and attenders safe in this way.
This week, we have a pretty simple question for you–Is the church you’re attending growing?
July 8, 2009
Josh, you made this poll question a bit unclear in my opinion. I think the reason 23% of people chose option 3 is because your question doesn’t state anything regarding the marketing aspect of bringing guns to church. It merely asks how one feels about someone bringing a gun. That in itself is completely irrelevant to marketing, as depending on which state you live in, people with their concealed carry license bring a gun into churches regularly.
Perhaps I should’ve fielded the poll in light of the recent article that was posted, but I opted to take it at face value since I wasn’t entirely sure.
July 8, 2009
Josh, you made this poll question a bit unclear in my opinion. I think the reason 23% of people chose option 3 is because your question doesn’t state anything regarding the marketing aspect of bringing guns to church. It merely asks how one feels about someone bringing a gun. That in itself is completely irrelevant to marketing, as depending on which state you live in, people with their concealed carry license bring a gun into churches regularly.
Perhaps I should’ve fielded the poll in light of the recent article that was posted, but I opted to take it at face value since I wasn’t entirely sure.
July 9, 2009
I picked the 3rd option I didn’t like the other 2 options. Usually the polls give us more than an all-for-it or all-against-it option.
Joshua Cody
July 9, 2009
Hey Jesse, my apologies for the confusion! I should have included a link to the original post, and I’m not sure why ti didn’t.
Thanks for letting me know about this!