#151: Quit Worshiping Nations

#151: Quit Worshiping Nations

June 29, 2016 by

That's How We've Always Done It: Is Your Church Ready to Quit? 166 Ways to Be a QuitterEvery Thursday Bob Goff quits something. We wrote a book about it: Is Your Church Ready to Quit? 166 Ways to Be a Quitter. You can get a free preview, buy it now or enjoy this sample:

#151: Quit worshiping nations.

Celebrate your national heritage, but remember that we are citizens of heaven. We pledge allegiance to more than patriotism. Be sure the message your church proclaims is clearly more about God than country.

You can get more straight-up honesty like that when you buy the whole book: Is Your Church Ready to Quit? 166 Ways to Be a Quitter.

“We pledge allegiance to more than patriotism.”

Nationalism & the Church

Oh, this one is tricky. The separation of church and state was intended to go both ways—keep the church out of the government and the government out of church. But it gets a little weird on a national holiday like the Fourth of July here in the U.S.

We love our freedom and we honor the sacrifice of those who have kept us free. But it’s a difficult line to walk when flag-waving nationalism can seem to compete with the idea that we are citizens of the kingdom of heaven. It can be confusing when as bearers of peace, we talk a lot about war. It can be even more challenging if some in your congregation feel at odds with the nation (there are many examples of minority oppression throughout history).

It’s a hard conversation to have. Some people can be offended that we’re even having it. But I think it’s important.

  • Our post on Fourth of July frustrations is a good place to start.
  • Phil Cooke, one of our former board members, suggests churches avoid the military language: “This July 4th, let’s celebrate the ultimate freedom found in Jesus, and lay off the culture war rhetoric.”
  • Frederick Douglass asked some pretty daring questions about the Fourth of July.

As we approach the Fourth of July this year, consider how you can find balance between God and country.


Maybe it's time to quit?

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Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.
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