Location-based services are all the rage. From Foursquare to Gowalla to Scvngr to Facebook Places, folks are checking-in like never before. Media Salt recently gave your church some advice for leveraging the location-based frenzy, so we wanted to know: what about your church? Are people checking in there? Here are your responses:
33% of you have noticed people checking in, but you aren’t doing anything to promote it. No free swag for first-time check-ins or a special seat in the front row for the mayor.
Another 21% of respondents are just downright confused. What’s a location-based-whatchamacallit? A Gowalla? And are you talking about the GPS in your car? Well, no, we aren’t, and Wikipedia has the details.
Just as many, 21%, aren’t sure whether people are checking in or not because you haven’t thought to check. You either don’t use location-based services yourself or are too busy doing church-like things while you’re at church to bother with your phone.
And the last two groups of you, at 12.5% each, are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Half of those don’t have people checking in because they’re embarrassed to have been there, while the other half of you are leading the location-based charge. You’re doing all you can to get people checking in and connecting on their service of choice.
This week, we’re getting reflective, enjoying Thanksgiving and asking: Which church communication channel have you been most thankful for in 2010?