Internet campuses (Or is it campii?) are all the rage. Tons of churches are rushing to make sure they have one with the lead of some high-tech innovators. But how many people are really attending church online? We decided to ask our admittedly forward-thinking, tech-savvy audience that question.
37% of you have never attended church online and don’t ever want to. The idea of it creeps you out at least a little bit, and you’d rather stay in the pew than attend church in your underwear.
Another 30% haven’t done church online, but you’re pretty interested. You don’t think it’s creepy at all. What’s more, you think there could be something to it, and one of these days, you’re going to give it a shot.
Next up: 22% who have attended and loved it. Have you considered making the switch to full-time? Or is it simply useful when you’re on vacation or can’t wake yourself up in time to properly primp?
And finally, bringing up the rear are the 11% of you who tried it and were pretty bummed. It didn’t live up to the hype for you, and you missed talking with others and watching the little boys pick their noses. Needless to say, you’re still showing up in Sunday pews.
This week, we’re focusing a little bit on our Church Marketing Sucks facelift, asking you the question: Church Marketing Sucks last had a redesign in 2006. What were you doing in 2006? If you’re not familiar with the new site, the rules are still the same. Vote on the poll in the right sidebar of the brand new Church Marketing Sucks home page.
May 26, 2010
I think we have to take a close look at our voting audience verse the who the intended audience for church online should be. Hopefully, Church Online is trying to reach people who aren’t accustomed to coming church or who aren’t interested in church anyway – and may find an online environment less threatening, giving it a better chance if they think it’s going to give them any insight into their problems or answer their questions.
May 26, 2010
As an internet pastor those numbers seem about right.
Most people in my field would agree that the ‘internet campus’ model is not ideal, but it is valid and needs to be taken as far as possible.
Ross Sutherland
May 27, 2010
Tried it, found that people tended to experience it once. People who attended physically liked the internet option to exist, but didn’t seem to use it.