Maybe you’re not following the Church Marketing Lab on Twitter yet. And if that’s the case, you wouldn’t have been kept up on the stuff that was passing through this ...
The New York Times offers a reflection on what graphic design looked like 30 years ago. It was all T-squares, X-Acto knives and rubber cement. You had to do it ...
Last fall I wrote a four-part series called “The Illusion of Community.” I talked about online community networks, building community in our weekend gatherings, why community ‘online’ and ‘offline’ might ...
The newest project of Fireproof Ministries (the guys behind XXX Church) is The Strip Church. As in the Las Vegas strip (though Vegas and the other kind of strip kind ...
Each of the last two years, we’ve hit on our perceived importance of MLK Day. And we’re big believers that it’s a holiday about giving, not receiving (unlike that big ...
Recently, wrote to us to let us know about their film project. They make incredibly moving short clips telling the stories of everyday people God is using, and then ...
The always-insightful Kem Meyer recently discussed nine marketing trends for 2009 (originally at Adverblog). She framed them in the context of churches and how these nine issues create a perfect ...
I completely disagree with the wise sage Mr. Seth Godin in his recent post that asks, “Which comes first, the product or the marketing?”
Seth says “…it’s pretty clear that the ...
Everyone talks about the allure of online video. But can it be useful for anything besides Super Bowl commercials and amateur video of a man getting hit in the groin ...
A few weeks ago, Rice Temple Baptist Church met Hooters. And their community saw great dividends from their partnership. You might originally be taken aback if you heard a Hooters ...
While one source reports a 5% increase in churchgoers in the UK, the Gallup reports for the U.S. are showing no growth. While we find ourselves in tough economic times, ...
One of the good guys over at Monk Development recently approached us about a survey they’re conducting to examine the state of the church online. They figured our readers are ...