Office Hours: Social Media Gurus & Fonts

Office Hours: Social Media Gurus & Fonts

November 15, 2011 by

Every week I hold online office hours and answer questions from folks like you. This week we’ve got a web font inquiry and a whole bunch of social media questions: Who to read, what to use, etc. Take a look and be sure to join me every Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. CST for online office hours!

Which Social Media Gurus do you follow or look to for advice? (blogs, individuals, etc.)

My answer:

Great question. Here’s who I read:

What is your opinion on letter size and font in a website?

My answer: I think Comic Sans is a crying shame. I think tiny font is hard to read. I think Google Web Fonts are awesome.

Bonus: Do you have any Twitter client tool to manage my social marketing (within Twitter) better?

My answer:  I use Hootsuite literally every day. It’s the best social media platform there is.

I’ve also had good luck with Spout Social.

Good luck!

Thanks for the great questions everybody! Hopefully this information will help you get from where you are to where you want to go. See you next time in the office!

Post By:

Justin Wise

Justin Wise lives in West Des Moines, Iowa, with his wife and son. He likes coffee, reading, running and blogging.
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