Creative ideas don’t happen magically. They come about when we identify problems to solve and address the barriers to those problems.
Church communicator and Certification Lab instructor Phil Bowdle talks about one such problem at his church—many people didn’t know where their church was located—and how they solved it—a Christmas light display that would attract thousands of people to their church.
This is one of the topics covered during our Certification Lab.
Watch as Certification Lab instructor Phil Bowdle talks about identifying problems:
“Creativity is not usually some incredible idea people thought of out of nowhere. It can often come from answering the question what’s the problem we’re trying to solve. So the two questions I ask almost every day are what are the problems we’re trying to solve and what are the barriers to solving those problems. So creativity takes root with in that.” -Phil Bowdle
This video is from a 2015 Google Hangout with our Certification Lab instructors. You can watch the entire hangout.
- Check out our upcoming roster of Certification Lab events and consider attending to soak up this kind of insight and encouragement.
- Get a taste of what you can expect at Certification Lab with our round-up of Certification Lab resources.
- Check out God Rest Ye Stressed Communicators: Planning Christmas for Your Church for more Christmas help.
- Need some inspiration to be inspiring? The church marketing Christmas elves are ready to help you find your Christmas inspiration. Check out even more church Christmas ideas for help with planning, promotion and inspiration.