Daylight Saving Time has come and gone, to the anger of most of the churched world. It meant waking up an hour earlier to get the service ready, show up in the pews or turn your alarm off to give up. Here’s how you expected it to impact your weekend services:
39% of you had total faith that your peers, congregants and friends would figure things out. They’d set their clocks accordingly and show up bright and early, ready to worship together.
Another 31% expected some late-comers. Folk who don’t quite grasp the “spring ahead” and wake up only to freak out that their cell phone is an hour ahead of what they were expecting based on the night before.
27% expected the late-comers to be no-showers. They’d see they were late and give up on showing altogether. Or perhaps more accurately, they’d take advantage of a good excuse to say, “Oh! I accidentally overslept.”
A small handful of you don’t do Sunday morning services, so it doesn’t matter to you. You gather some day of the week not affected by the time change or late enough on Sundays that everyone figured it out on their own accord. Oh, and a whopping 0 churches roll with it and change the time of their services.
So what do you think, in hindsight, was your projection accurate? Did you experience an unexpected dip? Did others perform better than expected? Or do you have no idea because you were the guilty oversleeper?
This week, let’s focus on Easter. Let us know, what’s your big marketing plan for Easter?
March 16, 2010
Either the poll is behaving oddly or I misclicked. I thought I’d selected ‘big community outreach event’ but it showed up as ‘easter egg hunt’