Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.

Kevin D. Hendricks's Posts:

Church Bulletins on #cmschat
February 27, 2015

Church Bulletins on #cmschat

We talk church bulletins in our weekly Twitter chat. Lots of ideas, examples, tips and inspiration in the transcript.


2014 Annual Report
February 24, 2015

2014 Annual Report

In 2014 we launched a podcast, rolled out books, held two Certification Labs and celebrated a 10-year anniversary. Read our 2014 annual report for more.


How to Welcome Easter Visitors
February 23, 2015

How to Welcome Easter Visitors

Easter is coming quickly, so we sat down with Unwelcome author Jonathan Malm to talk about how your church can welcome Easter visitors.


Easter Ideas on #cmschat
February 20, 2015

Easter Ideas on #cmschat

Our weekly Twitter chat covers Easter ideas. Check out the transcript for all the tips and ideas from church communicators in the trenches.


Easter Preparation on #cmschat
February 13, 2015

Easter Preparation on #cmschat

Our first ever Twitter chat covers Easter preparation. Check out the transcript for all the insights.


Steve Fogg Explains How #cmschat Works
February 11, 2015

Steve Fogg Explains How #cmschat Works

We're excited to kick off our weekly Twitter chat, happening every Thursday at 9 p.m. ET. Steve Fogg explains the what, why and how of #cmschat.


Last Chance to Save $100 on Dallas Certification Lab
February 6, 2015

Last Chance to Save $100 on Dallas Certification Lab

Ready to get better as a church communicator? The Certification Lab is coming to Dallas. This weekend is your last chance to save $100.


Certification Lab Hangout 2015
January 23, 2015

Certification Lab Hangout 2015

Ready to get better? The Certification Lab is coming to Dallas and St. Louis in 2015. Get a taste in this Google Hangout.


Why & How Your Church Should Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 7, 2015

Why & How Your Church Should Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

A holiday celebrating a pastor? Martin Luther King Jr. Day should be big in the church. Why and how to do it, including free social media graphics.


5 Church Marketing Resolutions for the New Year
January 5, 2015

5 Church Marketing Resolutions for the New Year

Before the church comm grind begins anew, let's take a moment. It's a new year. Here are five church marketing resolutions for this new year. Just pick one. And own ...


Top 10 Posts of 2014
December 31, 2014

Top 10 Posts of 2014

It's that time of year for the best of lists, and on the last day of the year we like to share our top 10 posts of 2014.


Top CFCC News of 2014
December 30, 2014

Top CFCC News of 2014

We look back on what we accomplished this year, including two book projects, three events, a brand new podcast, a new leader and an anniversary.


New Year’s Graphic: Free Download to Share
December 29, 2014

New Year’s Graphic: Free Download to Share

Here are some free New Year's graphics so your church can ring in the new year with style. Let's engage people as we celebrate the dawn of 2015.


Christmas Videos: Final Roundup
December 24, 2014

Christmas Videos: Final Roundup

We've got the Saturday Night Live Christmas marketing send up, "All About That Baby" parody and something serious.


Christmas Church Attendance Rocks
December 23, 2014

Christmas Church Attendance Rocks

18% average weekly church attendance balloons to 47% on Christmas. 91% of Americans celebrate Christmas.