Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.

Kevin D. Hendricks's Posts:

#27 & #28: Quit Being Trendy/Old Fashioned
May 5, 2016

#27 & #28: Quit Being Trendy/Old Fashioned

Some churches are obsessed with the new and shiny. Others love the ancient traditions. And sometimes we care too much about those minor issues.


#11: Quit Caring About a Dress Code
April 28, 2016

#11: Quit Caring About a Dress Code

Your Sunday best is a cultural tradition, not a biblical mandate. When churches strive to be respectable, they’re kind of missing the point.


#5: Quit Saying You Welcome Everyone When You Don’t
April 21, 2016

#5: Quit Saying You Welcome Everyone When You Don’t

In too many of our churches, we’re fooling ourselves into thinking we are welcoming when we really aren’t. It's time to quit.


New Church Websites: What Works & What Doesn’t on #cmschat
April 18, 2016

New Church Websites: What Works & What Doesn’t on #cmschat

Last week's #cmschat on Twitter covered church websites: What's working and what isn't?


How Your Church Can Be a Voice in the 2016 Presidential Election
April 13, 2016

How Your Church Can Be a Voice in the 2016 Presidential Election

In a divisive political season (and election), how can the church be a voice of grace, hope and love? We need to share the message of the gospel.


Is Your Church Ready to Quit?
April 11, 2016

Is Your Church Ready to Quit?

“That’s how we’ve always done it,” reigns in many churches. And they’re slowly dying because of it. It’s time for churches to quit.


Creating Email Campaigns That Work on #cmschat
March 11, 2016

Creating Email Campaigns That Work on #cmschat

For this week's #cmschat on Twitter we talk email: How to create campaigns that get opened and acted upon.


2015 Annual Report
March 8, 2016

2015 Annual Report

Our 2015 annual report tells the story of what we've done in the last year to help churches courageously share their own stories. When the church wins, we win.


How to Reach More People on Social Media at Easter on #cmschat
March 4, 2016

How to Reach More People on Social Media at Easter on #cmschat

Our weekly Twitter chat turns to Easter and social media, exploring ways your church can reach more people.


6 Lessons From Serving on Vestry
March 2, 2016

6 Lessons From Serving on Vestry

I served on vestry—the leadership board—at my church for three years and learned some valuable communications lessons.


More Effective Stage Announcements on #cmschat
February 26, 2016

More Effective Stage Announcements on #cmschat

Steve Fogg leads our weekly Twitter chat in a conversation about how to more effectively communicate your stage announcements.


Planning (& Surviving) Easter on #cmschat
February 19, 2016

Planning (& Surviving) Easter on #cmschat

Steve Fogg leads our weekly Twitter chat in a conversation about planning and surviving Easter.


How to Survive Easter
February 15, 2016

How to Survive Easter

We asked seven church communicators how they survive Easter. It takes planning, focusing on what's important and taking time to take care of yourself.


Be a Church-First Person
February 11, 2016

Be a Church-First Person

A church-first person celebrates the wins, they encourage others, they think outside of themselves. Do you have that broad view or are you focused on your niche?


Preparation for Easter: Ash Wednesday and Lent
February 1, 2016

Preparation for Easter: Ash Wednesday and Lent

We asked five church communicators what they do for Ash Wednesday and Lent. These traditional times are ideal preparation leading into Easter.