Post By:

Karen Shay-Kubiak

Karen Shay-Kubiak is director of communications for Elmbrook Church, a single-campus megachurch located in Southeast Wisconsin. She is also a closet tech geek who loves things like Evernote, online forms, project management systems and anything else that promises to help her squeeze more out of a day's 24 hours.
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4 Responses to “Church Email Newsletters: Specific Strategy Tips”

  • Jacob Ertel
    March 7, 2016

    Hi Karen,
    Thanks for the advice.

    I am not surprised that you cannot track email clicks. One option is to link to a Contact Us form on a website, instead of linking to an email address. I imagine most organizations use this because spam can be prevented with a CAPTCHA.

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    • Andrew Hansen
      March 7, 2016

      Interesting thought Jacob – makes a lot of sense.

      I’d definitely discourage churches from using CAPTCHA, however. Our job in church communications is to make people feel known, and once trust is built, guide them to their next step. CAPTCHA adds one extra, very annoying step that could discourage contact.

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  • Matthew Sewell
    April 4, 2016

    Hi Karen,

    Great article! These were all super helpful. If you haven’t ever checked out (or heard of?) Flocknote before now, it actually lets you accomplish most all of the things you outlined — having a place to organize all your groups into one location, a simple & easily learnable interface for every ministry leader, one central database from which all your groups pull, controllable “from” names — plus a couple other things, namely the ability to also send text messages from the same interface. Another plus is that it was built specifically for ministry, so you can send out polls and events, and also collect direct replies all in one place (instead of having a million emails clogging an inbox).

    You can try it out for free indefinitely, while your network is under 40 members — is the place to go.

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