Too many pastors lack the basic abilities to use modern communication tools. Too many tech savvy people lack the abilities and/or the freedom to create content.
Ambert Rodriguez made a great video threatening bodily harm to anyone who didn't follow the church's brand standards. We talked with Ambert to go deeper on branding.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently simplified the food pyramid, again. It's a good example of how cutting out the clutter and getting to the essentials can better get your ...
A full third of churches are doing nothing to address diversity, but 43% have diversity in photos and materials, 37% have diverse worship and 30% have diversity in leadership.
Todd Henry, author of The Accidental Creative, shows how our false assumptions can hold back our creativity. In the church, it's called the 'that's how we've always done it' excuse. ...
The challenge of being creative on demand can be exhausting. Todd Henry's book can help church communicators manage their creativity and reengage with the greatest story ever told.
Our own Justin Wise has online office hours and takes your questions. This week he talks about open-source websites and balancing information overload on social networks.
We talk with Jason Locy and Timothy Willard, the authors of Veneer: Living Deeply in a Surface Society, about creativity, relevant church services and more.
Community fundraisers are by their very nature a church marketing tool, but you can go beyond the typical promotions to get more out of your fundraiser.