I would best describe A Guidebook to Visual Worship as the manual that should be in the hands of every tech, media and design volunteer and staff person. It is that good and necessary.
This isn’t a long review, it’s not a long book. And in fact, again, this is more manual than book giving the why and what in a very digestible format. It is a nice mix of theology and practicum. Author Stephen Proctor, throughout the entire guidebook, spends time explaining how to use the tools. Both in very practical ways (i.e., typography and color theory) and also in the ways we are using the tools and when not to use them. I believe one of the most important of the theology pieces is the section on “The Visual Worship Leader.”
It’s an important enough section that it alone is worth buying the guidebook for. Too often those running lights and projection are seen more as tech support than a part of the worship team. Proctor squashes this, gives a realignment that every church that uses media should embrace and then explains how to get it done.
If you’re part of the lighting crew and media team or you feel like all you do is advance the next slide, pick up this book and discover just how much more you are to the experience of Sunday. If you’re a worship or media pastor, buy this book for yourself and everyone of your staff and volunteers.
Get It:
This book is available as a 25-page PDF from WorshipVJ with single-user and group licenses.
Peter Bishop
April 25, 2011
I found this to be a fascinating paradoxical manual! For two reasons. From a practical standpoint, it is very well done. Great content. Should be required reading by everyone involved in both Worship and Production/Technology. Seriously you shouldn’t be reading this comment. You should be reading the guide. The thing I found fascinating though is.. it’s completely text driven. I found that odd for a Guide book to Visual Worship. There are no visuals in it. I think there could be great opportunity here to create something as visually inspiring as the content in it. It’s worth it!
Diana @ Starlight Writer
May 7, 2011
I think the manual offers excellent guidelines and tips for visual worship, which I will incorporate in our church communications. I appreciate how the author ties in the spiritual and scripture aspects of visual worship. Very helpful!
I do have to agree with Peter Bishop; some more visual examples would be helpful, although they’d likely need to be updated after a while.
Stephen Proctor
May 10, 2011
Peter & Diana-
Thank you so much for the kind words & feedback! This was very encouraging to read. And keen observation on the “fascinating paradoxical” approach. I actually debated on including photos & visual examples, but decided to hold back and save those for a bigger dream project that’s on the horizon. The Guidebook is just a stepping stone towards that dream.
More details to come! =)
For now, you can go to the Gallery on on my blog (http://worshipVJ.com/gallery) & see tons of photos and examples of visual worship expression.