Wambulance Poll Results

October 21, 2009 by

2009_10_21_wambulancepollresults.jpgCrying babies in church services can be a downright pain in the backside. Partly because they’re crying, loudly, in church. But even more so due to the inevitable mental gymnastics around the question, “What should we do about this?!” What do most churches do? What does your church do? We set out to find the answer.

43% of you just take one for the team, put on the attitude of Jesus and thank God for the little ones. It’s a lot easier than making a scene and turning crying babies into crying mothers and angry fathers. And heck, it might even be a lot more Christ-like.

27% of you solve the problem before it starts, and you have your church police plugging babies into the nursery or your baby ministry. And another 24% of you are waiting a little longer to redirect, and you redirect into a cry room or overflow room–something of that sort.

A final 7% of you go with the always-fun option of staring and dirty looks. You don’t care if the baby stops crying, but you at least want the parents to feel the pain in your eardrums.

This week, click on over and vote on our new question: Your church. Do you want an app for that?

Post By:

Joshua Cody

Josh Cody served as our associate editor for several years before moving on to bigger things. Like Texas. These days he lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, and you can find him online or on Twitter when he's not wrestling code.
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One Response to “Wambulance Poll Results”

  • Auran
    October 21, 2009

    There’s no poll option for “Complete ambivalence”
    I read the ‘Who cares?’ option as being a vote for the negative rather than a neutral.

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Poll Results