National Community Church pastor Mark Batterson visited Woodlands Church in Texas this weekend and shared this perspective:
“When I got to Woodlands Church I couldn’t believe how many cars were in the turn lane. And I had this thought: how cool that a church is causing a traffic jam. We need a few more traffic jam churches.”
Maybe traffic jams are indicative of everything wrong with megachurches, but you’ve got to love Batterson’s underlying point: lots of people coming to church is worth celebrating.
July 27, 2009
It isn’t uncommon to have the Sheriff out at the local church helping with the traffic.
Nothing like being a part of the community.
July 27, 2009
This post is needlessly negative. You could leave your hatred for megachurches in your heart instead of using it to belittle Pastor Mark’s statement.
July 27, 2009
Hmmm…celebrating people attending church of the Woodlands? Having been there, I think not.
August 11, 2009
I think a great next step would be for churches who face that “problem” to examine their environmental impact. Maybe there could be sign-up sheets in the lobby/message board on the website for carpools? Perhaps they could make sure there are good, secure racks for people to store their bikes?