Growing Church Poll Results

July 14, 2009 by

2009_07_14_growingchurchpollresults.jpgIt’s a point of curiosity for us to know about our readers’ churches. It helps us get a better picture of what to cover and how to cover it. So we decided to turn to you in order to find out what’s going on with your church in terms of growth.

32% of you are on a plateau–you’re neither growing nor shrinking. But you’re visiting our site in order to find new ways to grow. And 31% of you are growing, however slowly it might be. You have your eyes on the prize, and you’re excited to be moving up instead of moving down.

After that, there are two groups of you that are polar opposites. 15% of you practically wrote the book on multiplication (No, not that kind of multiplication–don’t flatter yourself.), and 14% of you are shrinking and you don’t know how to stop it. I don’t know that our blog, particularly a poll results post, is the way to help you right a shrinking ship, but hopefully this humble blog can provide some assistance.

Finally, 5% of you are staying steady and loving it, while 4% of you are shrinking, but it isn’t your fault. I’m not sure whether to applaud this as uncanny wisdom and peace, or to say that it’s run-of-the-mill foolery. I’m sure our commenters can make that call.

This week, we want to find out: How old is your church’s web site?

Post By:

Joshua Cody

Josh Cody served as our associate editor for several years before moving on to bigger things. Like Texas. These days he lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, and you can find him online or on Twitter when he's not wrestling code.
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