Twittering the Sermon

May 4, 2009 by

The micro-blogging service Twitter has been soaring in popularity lately, and now the intersections between church and Twitter will get even more attention with this Time magazine article, Twittering in Church, with the Pastor’s OK..

The article covers a few examples of churches using Twitter, most notably Westwinds Community Church in Jackson, Mich., which encourages Twitter use during the sermon (which we covered last June), as well as Trinity Church and their Twitter Passion Play.

The article is a quick overview and overwhelmingly positive. For a less enthusiastic take, consider four reasons to stop Twittering in church.

Of course Twittering the sermon isn’t the only use for Twitter. This article covers how churches can use Twitter (and Facebook) to expand their reach. There’s also the e-book, The Reason Your Church Must Twitter. And if you’re still scratching your head, you can go back to our initial post on Twitter from January 2008.

Post By:

Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.
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6 Responses to “Twittering the Sermon”

  • Jason Bruce
    May 4, 2009

    I think Ill scratch my head with this one. Although I somehow see this coming.

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  • Curtis Honeycutt
    May 4, 2009

    Thanks for the link love guys! I’ve had some great discussion on Just Wallpaper today.

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  • Shawn Bumpers
    May 4, 2009

    Over the last two months, I’ve been Twittering all the verse references, life lessons, and comments from services and have actually seen a few people accept Jesus through it. In addition to that I use Twitter to send out special announcements and reminders as well as a Hebrew word of the week. Have had nothing but great comments from it.

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  • Geoff in CT
    May 5, 2009

    Trinity Wall Street has been Twittering their services fairly frequently since Good Friday. I think it works wekk in a liturgical church like theirs, because Episcopalians recognize code phrases that start the standard prayers and responses.

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  • Len Wilson
    May 6, 2009

    How about instead of just focusing on the technology of twitter we see twitter as an opportunity to talk about the gospel? Like, the need for the Church as community.
    We’re doing a sermon series on this starting May 17. Follow my link if you’re curious.

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  • Affordable Church Websites
    December 10, 2009

    I still think it is a little bit wrong to be tweeting like that. It is a distraction and not a good one. I wouldn’t want someone tweeting while I am trying to get through to them during preaching.

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