Recently, the online media organization Sitepoint (a secular organization) tackled the issue of design in modern church marketing. They hit heavily on topics of the overuse of grunge-style design, the difficulty of communicating identity and recent church branding conversations we’ve been having here. It’s a great read, and I think in a few places, they really hit the nail on the head:
“Church designers seem to face a massive challenge: make beautiful, polished interactive experiences that retain humility and communicate spirituality, all without appearing contrived. Reducing the role of the ego is standard practice in nearly all religions, yet ironically many of today’s churches need to promote themselves more than ever as they seek greater numbers and visibility. Do church designers feel conflicted, trying to convey core values while wrapping them in slick, expensive designs?”
January 16, 2009
The Sitepoint article is actually the sanitised version for a secular audience. A more detailed version is available on the author’s blog,
September 8, 2009
“today’s churches need to promote themselves more than ever as they seek greater numbers and visibility.”
This is definitely a conflict. What if churches spent less time marketing themselves because they need to gain more attendants and focus more on lifting up the name of Jesus. God said in the Bible that, “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” (John 12:32, NIV)
I would love to hear other opinions on marketing God vs. marketing church organizations.
Personally I think it is incredibly important to be excellent in reaching others for the gospel, but over and over it seems we want to profit our own specific church rather than God Himself. I believe God will draw people to wherever He is lifted up. “seek first the KINGDOM of God and all of these things will be added unto you” not seek first the church of…whatever church it is you go to.
I am going to school for an associates in Marketing and a Bachelors in Digital Media Design. I am very passionate about my field, but I often get conflicted when judging if you are promoting by our carnal thinking or by the Spirit. I want to use my gifts to profit the Kingdom of God with which ever ministry shares the same vision. I don’t like carnal churches, but they are only ones who seem to place any importance on excellence.
September 8, 2009
“today’s churches need to promote themselves more than ever as they seek greater numbers and visibility.”
This is definitely a conflict. What if churches spent less time marketing themselves because they need to gain more attendants and focus more on lifting up the name of Jesus. God said in the Bible that, “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” (John 12:32, NIV)
I would love to hear other opinions on marketing God vs. marketing church organizations.
Personally I think it is incredibly important to be excellent in reaching others for the gospel, but over and over it seems we want to profit our own specific church rather than God Himself. I believe God will draw people to wherever He is lifted up. “seek first the KINGDOM of God and all of these things will be added unto you” not seek first the church of…whatever church it is you go to.
I am going to school for an associates in Marketing and a Bachelors in Digital Media Design. I am very passionate about my field, but I often get conflicted when judging if you are promoting by our carnal thinking or by the Spirit. I want to use my gifts to profit the Kingdom of God with which ever ministry shares the same vision. I don’t like carnal churches, but they are only ones who seem to place any importance on excellence.