Those are the words of Marie Claire as they look at dwindling numbers of Christians in Australia. Where do they turn to answer this question? Oh yeah, the marketers!
They asked ad agencies around Australia to create a campaign for, well, Jesus. There were some interesting results; my personal favorite is The Thinking Woman’s Pin-up. And my least favorite? Jesus Christ’s Facebook Page.
Love the ads or hate the ads, it’s always good to see people using effective media to get their message across. After all, the medium is the message, right Brad?
Either way, seeing top ad agencies’ perspective on marketing Christianity is always a refresher and a challenge–we should be leading the world in this, but we’re not. Yet. (link via MMI)
Blane Young
June 12, 2008
I took a look at all the campaigns, and some were simply troubling. The concept of an updates Last Supper is edgy enough, but to add a woman at Jesus’ spot? The Got Faith design is cool, but it expressed faith in trivial ways (getting a good haircut and a bra not falling apart).
Sorry 08
Great idea, has been done by several outreaches in the US before, such as a confession booth where Christians confess to those that walk in for sins that originated in the church.
Overall, sloppy and at times irreverent. The only good one, has already been done.
church newsletters
August 8, 2009
I’m glad they are doing this. I do have to ask the question about why is Jesus not a superstar anymore though. Did the churches used to advertise and then stopped? Do people just see less value in christ? What is really happening?
I believe the bible is true when it says the last days will have a falling away.