The news is spreading pretty quickly, both in the blog world and in the news, but in case you haven’t heard pastor and author Kyle Lake was electrocuted while performing ...
Maybe I have an anti-establishment streak, but when an upstart conservative paper is banned by the church, I have to laugh. The Anglican Journal is the official newspaper of the ...
Speaking of improving web sites, we were sent a link today about the difference between redesigning a site and realigning it. The main point is that massive redesigns where you ...
We’ve been offering our peer review since July as a way to help churches help each other. In that time we’ve done 14 reviews and have hopefully offered good feedback ...
More than a few times we’ve heard about outreach efforts involving strong drink, and they make me both wince and smile. I wince because I grew up in a church ...
Earlier this month Kem Meyer, a guest blogger here at Church Marketing Sucks and the Communications Director at Granger Community Church in Granger, Ind., shared some design lessons on her ...
Two recent newspaper articles in the Des Moines Register and the Washington Times (though the Times doesn’t seem to be loading) talk about the marketing efforts of church denominations. The ...
USA Today has a great article about the recent Rick Warren Starbucks cup story, in addition to several other mainstream companies that incorporate some sort of God-factor into their marketing ...
Last month we talked about some interesting church ads coming out of the UK, and one of those ads was created by the international agency Fallon. Last week we asked ...
This time around we take a look at the web site of the South Carolina multi-site church, Seacoast. Give your suggestions and don’t forget to consider submitting your church’s marketing ...
Let’s take a look at two churches that landed in newspaper stories recently. The first is the 6,000-member CedarCreek Church in Perrysburg, Ohio. The second is the 75-member Bethanie French ...
Check out the Austin American-Statesman for yours truly. Brad and I were quoted in an article about church marketing, though we definitely didn’t have the best quotes.
Mac Richard of Lake ...
GIA Publications is considering the possible publication of a book on faith-based graphic design. The submission guidelines say that “communications media from any organized worship tradition or denomination are eligible.” ...
Take a look at this flier design for a youth group program called My Praize promoting their theme, “messy lives.” Please share your feedback and consider submitting your church’s work ...