We’d like to welcome marketing guru Andy Havens to the Church Marketing Sucks conversation. Andy will be joining us as guest blogger, sharing his thoughts and insights culled from 15 years of experience in professional marketing.
You can read more about Andy in his bio or check out his first entry, What is Marketing?, which argues that marketing goes much deeper than mere advertising.
August 25, 2005
I can definitey identify with the “sucks” tag for a couple of reasons. One: being that, “back in the day”, sucks was short for well…you know! But as modern language evolves (another wonderful subject for a different time), time becomes kinder to words that used to be obscene in another context. In other words, the link to what sucks refered to, is not as well known now as the word’s innate modern meaning.
I did say, I could relate for two reasons. The second is in reference to my marketing company’s name…Passion Marketing. I got all kinds of guff for the double meaning that is inherent in the word, passion. I chose to stick with God on it. So far so good. I think you guys are doing the same. Sometimes you’ve got to put a steak in the ground and make a stand for what you believe. Miraculously, when it’s done in the name of God, it just works!