While you can’t endorse a presidential candidate as a church, you are allowed to learn from them. And there’s plenty to learn from the communications practices of candidates. Let’s start ...
56% of you pastors out there haven’t started blogging yet, according to a super scientific poll done by the Church Marketing Sucks Polling & Research Department. Now, a lot of ...
You’ve probably heard of it, seen it or even participated in it. Many churches launch microsites these days to go with new ventures. Some folks have never even considered a ...
If your church is thinking about a redesign (and who isn’t?), you might want to check out 21 factors to consider before a redesign. It’s exactly what it sounds like ...
Version 1.0 of The Art of Mission’s Church Website Survey was recently released. The results of the survey are available for free, and a second version is in the works ...
This is part one in a series on Lessons In Not Sucking. Today we discuss communication online.
1. Lower the draw bridgeWhether it be your web site, blog, My Space or ...
Calling all church plants, upstarts and new ministries. We wanted to let you know that HotPress Web a Denver, Colo. based web marketing company is donating a custom web site ...
Your web site really sucks when you try to be fancy. Yes, I’m talking to you, Mr. Front-Page-Guy with your blinking animations and scrolling text. But I’m also talking to ...
I received an e-mail today about a new web service called TagCrowd. Many of you know that Flickr and numerous other sites use tag clouds to generate frequent topics within ...
Wanting your church to grow isn’t enough. You have to take intentional action to make it happen. (Disclaimer: Yes, God makes it grow, not us. But God uses us to ...
Here’s some bad news for your marketing efforts: You lost your domain and a porn site snatched it up. Too bad you just handed out fliers at the local Apple ...
Some of these lists and resources are older, but they age like fine wine and can still offer some help and hope to church web designers.
8 Web Design Cliches of ...
Recently we looked at the Top 10 Web Design Mistakes from Jakob Nielsen, and now he presents the Top 10 Blog Design Mistakes. You can certainly take what Nielsen says ...
Usability guru Jakob Nielsen revealed his Top 10 Web Design Mistakes of 2005 earlier this week, and church web sites could learn a thing or two. For the most part ...