Brett Borders

Brett Borders has worked as a creative in the advertising industry for nearly 20 years—13 of them as a freelance copywriter/creative director. Brett is a longtime Pacific Northwest resident and currently attends Sisters Community Church in Sisters, Ore., where donates as much time as he can helping to brand groups like,, and others.

Brett Borders's Posts:

Jesus as a Product
May 17, 2010

Jesus as a Product

If you’re offended by the idea of Jesus as a product, it’s because you already know him. For those who don’t know Jesus, he is just another product.


brand-identity Article
March 1, 2010

Follow the Leader: More Jesus, Less Personality Pastor

Every church’s brand has a face. And that face belongs to its head pastor. Yes, other components help define the brand: its logo, its graphic standards, its facility, its style ...