Brad Abare is the founder of the Center for Church Communication. He consults with companies and organizations, helping them figure out why in the world they exist, why anyone should care and what to do about it.
Last year at MinistryCOM, it was a delight to hear Shawn Wood‘s keynote titled “Brand Schizophrenia”. Shawn is the experiences and creative communications pastor at Seacoast and a new author. ...
I mentioned last week about the conversation my wife and I are a part of with a handful of churches in Northeast Los Angeles discussing issues of poverty, homelessness, education, ...
For those counting–you know who you are–it’s been 31 months since our last update about the infamous Don’t Suck list. Lots of people have made suggestions publicly on this site, ...
Earlier this week my wife and I were part of a conversation with a handful of churches brought together in Northeast Los Angeles. Those present were about as eclectic as ...
I’m heading to New York this week for the Q conference. Last year was the debut of this event and I really enjoyed it so I’m going again. This year ...
Over the last several weeks I’ve been working my way through Phil Cooke‘s latest book, Branding Faith: Why Some Churches and Nonprofits Impact Culture and Others Don’t. I’ve known Phil ... announced yesterday a bold idea to bring churches together this summer around a series called One Prayer. It’s a call to churches around the world to rally around a ...
I’m looking forward to popping in and out of the Awaken conference this week in Pasadena, Calif. Aside from it taking place in my backyard (10 miles from my office), ...
I had lunch last week with an art director from one of the larger well-known churches in southern California. This guy (I’ll call him Brian) oozes sincerity and has a ...
If you haven’t entered to win the ticket to the HOW Design Conference this May 18-21, you still have a chance you’re out of luck–the drawing is now closed. We’re ...
Being fat and being sexy are two things that generally always lead to getting attention. From Victoria’s Secret to The Biggest Looser, let’s face it, we like looking at people. ...
Over the last couple of years I was a part of the planning team for a Foursquare sponsored event in Anaheim, Calif., this past December. It was a gathering of ...
This is part three in a three-part series about church marketing lessons learned from my recent trip to Haiti.
Preach the Word, Not the ProblemIn a post earlier this year, I ...
This is part two in a three-part series about church marketing lessons learned from my recent trip to Haiti.
A Holistic Approach to Church Works WellAlthough commonplace in third-world countries, it ...
I just recently returned from being in Haiti with my wife and family. It was a part of our alternate holiday plans as we continue to re-imagine what Christmas is ...