Church Marketing Lab: Why Get Involved?

Church Marketing Lab: Why Get Involved?

August 1, 2014 by

As we wrap up celebrating 10 years of Church Marketing Sucks, it’s been really cool to reflect on how far church communication has come and how far we still have to go. I continue to be amazed by the church marketing community and the constant encouragement we offer each other. The past month has highlighted what can be accomplished when people come together (from all over the country and world) to sharpen each other in order to better reach our communities for Christ!

The peer review element of Church Marketing Sucks, the Church Marketing Lab, is a practical way to get involved in the church comm world and a great place to sharpen each other’s skills and knowledge. Over on the Lab on Flickr, folks have been talking about why they are thankful for Church Marketing Sucks and the Church Marketing Lab.

Here’s what some have said on the Lab:

I’m thankful that, while sometimes I feel like I’m the only one at my church who cares about effective communication, I know I’m not the only one in the Church that cares about effective communication.
– Flickr user fattybombatty

I’m grateful for the people who take the time to answer questions. While many in my church acknowledge we need to be more effective, sometimes I need outside feedback to make sure my suggestions are the right ones. I’ve rethought some things based on answers here, and been made more confident when I was on the right track, so thanks for that.
– Flickr user TonjaC

I echo these sentiments! And these are also the reason why I believe the Lab is so important and beneficial. Whether it’s those a discussion thread or feedback on a project, we can all use encouragement and outside perspective to make our final products the best they can be. I encourage you if it’s been a while since you’ve been to the Lab or if you’ve never engaged before, jump on in!

Post By:

Laura Bennett

Laura is a Georgia girl living in Chapel Hill, N.C., as a freelance graphic designer and communications consultant. She has served as communications director at The Fellowship (formerly Two Rivers Baptist Church) and is a Creative Missions alum.
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