Struggles & Victories: Irving Bible Church

Struggles & Victories: Irving Bible Church

December 19, 2013 by

Irving Bible Church is an independent megachurch in Irving, Texas of about 3,000 people.

I think of us as a wide church, and by that I mean we have an incredibly wide variety of activities, ministries and connection points. The initial struggle, even for our full-time staff, is to get our minds around all of it.

The subsequent struggles are prioritizing and communicating to our church community. If all we had going on were small groups, I think we could do a great job of simplicity and clarity. Instead, I feel like we have more ads than Times Square.

We did a teaching series about work titled, “Good Work,” that was inspired by Tim Keller’s Every Good Endeavor. The teaching connected faith and work in a way that our people hadn’t encountered before, and the response was fantastic.

Going forward, I’m hoping we find more ways to de-compartmentalize “faith” and “the real world” in people’s minds.

Photo by Metro Tiff
Post By:

Scott McClellan

Scott McClellan is the communications pastor at Irving Bible Church and the author of Tell Me a Story: Finding God (and Ourselves) Through Narrative. You can follow him on Twitter: @scottmcclellan.
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