“Often there are so many competing and inconsistent messages that what is seen, heard and experienced on a week-to-week basis only creates confusion. The competing messages actually become roadblocks to our messages being received. Essentially, the complexity tunes people out. If you want to reach people and get them talking about the essence of who you are, make yourself accessible.” –Cheryl Marting (Outspoken: Conversations on Church Communication)
July 29, 2013
I am trying to figure out how to educate my ministries on noise and communication. All of our ministries want huge announcements in our pubs and from the pulpit and blame publicity if their events fail. Obviously, if we are giving people 100 different messages every week, no one is going to take any of them in, so we have to decide our priorities and help the lower visibility ministries find ways to get their word out (targeted marketing, personal invites, whatever is appropriate for their audience). Our ministries are competing with each other (and our big picture) and that isn’t good.
I am having a very hard time selling this concept that no one is winning here and there are ways for everyone to get their needs met. I have been considering getting a copy of this book, but I’m not sure if it has what I need. Do you have any resources to suggest? Is this book good, or do you know any books or sites that address this issue directly?
I understand where we need to go and why, but don’t know how to articulate/sell it.
Kevin D. Hendricks
July 30, 2013
Amy: Great question. Outspoken is more of a general book that covers all kinds of communication topics. It’s good to get your feet wet and cover a bunch of ground, but it may not be the best to dive deep on a topic like this.
I’d recommend Kem Meyer’s Less Clutter. Less Noise.. Just the other day I saw somebody refer to it as the handbook on paring down your communication. Here’s our review.