Phil Cooke is no stranger to this blog or the larger community of church communicators. He’s been a respected media professional for decades, and was a pioneer in what it means to use “media” and “ministry” in the same sentence. One of the things I really appreciate about Phil is that he’s not just a media guru, he’s actually quite smart. (Yes, I think you can be a media guru and not be smart!) Phil isn’t comfortable with what he knows—he’s always on the hunt to learn more. He’s a veracious reader and he has a story for everything, which is evident in his speaking and writing.
For the past couple years, I’ve had the privilege of serving with Phil on the board of directors for our nonprofit parent, the Center for Church Communication, as well as a handful of other shared collaborations. It helps that Phil is a few miles up the freeway from where I live and work in Los Angeles.
Phil has written several books, some of which have been reviewed here, including Branding Faith and The Last TV Evangelist. His latest, Jolt!: Get the Jump on a World That’s Constantly Changing, is a significant departure from his previous books. It’s not a communication or marketing book, nor is it aimed at the traditional audiences Phil has been reaching. Jolt is classic Cooke, but this time he’s taking on a different enemy: You. That’s right, he’s taking on you and all the excuses that hold you back from really living. “If you don’t come face-to-face with the devil sometimes, then you must be going the same direction he is,” said an old Southern preacher. By the way, the quotes in this book are worth the price alone.
“The principles of this book will work for those with a passion to change their company, their community, or their lives. In a world where the very foundations you’ve believed in all your life are crumbling, how do you move forward toward your purpose?”
Many church communicators (and their churches) could use that kind of a jolt.
Jolt is very much in line with Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art, Seth Godin’s Linchpin and Scott Belsky’s Making Ideas Happen. Phil is a bit more hyper in his writing style (as he is in life), so Jolt moves pretty quickly, as it should. This is less about you reading another book and more about you getting your head clear to get out there and actually do something that matters. Another differentiator is that Phil views these inner motivations through the lens of faith and he’s adamant that actions align with values. “I believe it’s possible to navigate the cultural shift without losing your soul.”
How do you actually change your life?
What are the steps to take so that you can make a difference and start over again?
How do you get from where you are to where you want to be?
That’s what Jolt is about.