You’ve heard that folks like carpenters and nurses and doctors are in high demand for mission trips. They can go with a team and share their talents and vocation with local communities and churches in need. But could this idea be extended to other skills and occupations?
Creative Missions is giving it a shot with creatives. It’s a group of church communicators looking to equip churches to improve their communication and and creative strategies for engaging their communities.
But is it useful? Or should these creatives just hunker down and start cleaning parking lots and moving bags of soil? We asked you.
It didn’t get the most votes, but I’d be willing to call it the winner in this poll: 0 voters thought it was lame and that marketing isn’t a real need! Take a deep breath. That’s the smell of progress.
In terms of tallying, the leading answer was from the 62% of you who want to get signed up. Well there’s good news for you yet: if you’re looking to get involved, the Creative Missions info page will give you all the ways you can.
A big chunk of respondents, 23%, just can’t get excited about this. Maybe you feel communication isn’t important enough for a mission trip, that a short-term trip can’t cure long-term communication problems, or something else, but you’re not feeling it.
And finally, 15% of you are thrilled about it, but not to be a participant. You want to be a recipient and get some help at your church. Well it probably won’t happen this way, but I’d imagine if you get in touch with the folks behind Creative Missions, this could certainly be discussed for the future.
And don’t forget to head to our home page and vote in this week’s poll: What’s the state of your church website?
Keith Green
March 29, 2011
Myself and our web director actually did this a couple of years ago with one of our partner churches. We went to San Diego for 3 days and built them a new website and designed all of their marketing materials for Easter. We were also able to save them hundreds of dollars on printing because we had access to better vendors than they did.
I have wanted to do this every since that trip. We worked 24/7 but had a blast because we served in our area of passion and expertise.
Naomi LeGere
April 10, 2011
Love, love, love this idea!!! Where do I sign up to go? I’m a print designer/illustrator with a great branding flair. Not very strong in the web department, but fabulous with InDesign and Illustrator and making things look pretty! Years of church bulletins, newsletters, post cards etc. under my belt. Would love to help where I can!
Cleve Persinger
June 27, 2011
You can sign up to be informed about next year’s trip here:
Glad you want to be a part!