Recently, Justin Wise encouraged pastors to take a page from the playbook of college professors and set up office hours, but with a twist. Make them online. This way, folks from your community can reach out to you with questions and concerns in a forum that feels more natural and accessible than just dropping in your office. But would your pastor be down for this?
Looks like not. 38% of you say your pastor is too much of a technophobe for a crazy scheme like this. But hey, you’re reading this blog, so why don’t you set it up for them? They can even sit in a chair for a couple hours while you do the technical legwork. Whatever it takes to make your church reachable.
Another 31% of you are doubtful for another reason: your pastor is just too darn busy. Your pastor will have to make their own value judgment about whether or not this would be an effective use of their time, but it’s definitely worth consideration. It could be as simple as holding office hours during lunch or cutting out an hour of meetings a week in exchange for engaging in a new way.
And rounding out the doubters are the 2% of you who simply claim your pastor is already connected enough.
But thankfully, some of you think your pastors would be on board. 29% are chomping at the bit to get online office hours rolling at your church. Maybe in the two weeks since the post, some of you have already instituted them. If so, we’d love to hear how it’s going and the kind of questions you’re getting.
Our current poll is easy. We’ve been talking a lot about Facebook lately, but we want to know: How is your church using Facebook? Head to our homepage to vote.