The Center for Church Communication (CFCC) and the good folks at Catalyst teamed up to get you the action for Catalyst West. We told you on Wednesday that we’d be giving away a free registration right here on Church Marketing Sucks. Now, it’s go time!
Drumroll, please. And the winner of a free registration to Catalyst West is….

Dale Kline wins!
Congratulations! You’ll be heading out to see a slew of gifted communicators, worship with some of your closest friends and enjoy all the action in Irvine. Yes! To claim your prize, please email me at justin(at) You’ll be given further instructions on how to register.
CFCC Meetup
We’d also like to take this opportunity to announce a CFCC Meetup on Wednesday evening of Catalyst. Join me, Tim Schraeder and dozens of your closest communicator friends at Muldoon’s on Wednesday, March 2, after all the labs. We’ll have more details as Catalyst West gets closer, but save the date now! We’d love a chance to get to meet some of you in person, share some food and swap stories.
Catalyst Discount
For those of you who didn’t win, there’s still hope! Thanks to the graciousness of the team at Catalyst, we’re able to offer an exclusive registration code for our readers. When you register, simply enter “CFCC” in the discount box and receive your ticket for $289. You’ll save $30. That’s a deal. My advice? Use that code pronto as it will expire on Feb. 18.
Thanks to everyone who entered. A special thanks to Jesse Phillips and the entire team over at Catalyst!
Shelley Chesney
February 12, 2011
My husband is being sent by a ministry, and I would *love* to go with him! Really want to see Eugene Peterson, (amongst others) and maybe Jon Acuff? :)
Justin Wise
February 14, 2011
Hi Shelley … We drew the winner and unfortunately it wasn’t you! That said, we’d love to offer you a special discount code available to CMS readers. Just enter “CFCC” into the discount box when you register at
Better luck next time!