Recently, we had the great pleasure of virtually sitting down and talking with a friend of Church Marketing Sucks, Mark Horvath. As always, Mark had some great things to say. (And as always, he didn’t mince words when challenging the church to action.) The post generated some great comments, but we wanted to know what stuck out most to you. Here were your votes:
43% of you liked this challenge: “…people don’t need a word. They need their mortgage paid. They need food. They need jobs. Here’s the word: Shut up and start doing something tangible to help others.” For nearly half of you, this resonated most strongly, and this holiday season, you’ll be looking to give people more than a word.
Next up, 29% of you were most challenged with this: “…if we see a hurting person we pray for them and say God will take care of them, but we don’t take any action ourselves. We use prayer as an excuse to not take action ourselves.” This goes hand-in-hand with the previous quote, but instead of stopping at a prayer, you’re going to lend a helping hand.
Another 14% of respondents felt challenged with his call to go beyond technology: “Right now we think an iPhone app is cool to reach people, but it’s really not going to change the world. We need to get our hands dirty and start caring for our neighbors.”
And finally, 14% of you are sticking it to the traditional Christmas pageant and resonating with Mark when he says, “…a Christmas pageant with camels is not going to help a bunch of 60- to 70-year-old people who don’t have money for housing.”
This week, our question is simple, so make sure to weigh in: Has your church ever been on either side of a copyright issue?