For many, if not most, churches, this is a pivotal time of the year. School is starting back, families are returning home from vacation, and momentum is high. But things vary church-to-church, and its always interesting to see how reality matches with hopes and expectations. So we decided to ask you how things were at your church this fall.
34% of you are feeling great. Energy is high, momentum is high, and you’re pursuing your mission with more clarity than ever. You’ve got new folks on board, and things are great.
On the flip side of that coin are 29% of our respondents who are feeling a little bit let down. You didn’t come into the fall hitting on all cylinders, and reality left you feeling a little flat. But that’s all right, because waiting on fall to come isn’t the only way for churches to gain momentum.
23% of those who answered are just great at setting expectations. You’re not disappointed, but you’re not thrilled. You are right on track for the projections you were making for fall excitement.
Lastly, 14% of you don’t miss a beat over the summer, so there’s nothing to spring back from. So go ahead, share your secrets. How do you keep the energy levels high in the dog days of summer?
And while you’re here, vote in this week’s new poll: How far in advance does your church start planning for your weekly service? Head to the Church Marketing Sucks home page to let your voice be heard.