Plenty of you followed along as one Kiwi church got busted for copying a beer company’s advertising then reconciled, getting free services from the beer company’s ad agency. The whole story was a whirlwind, and it left folks divided in the comments. So we turned to a poll to see your opinion on this whole story.
78% of you aren’t too disturbed by the whole thing, and that’s split right down the middle. 39% of you don’t get the big deal in the first place. They were playing off a popular campaign, and this beer company should just take a chill pill. And another 39% of you disapprove of their copying, but you’re firm believers that “all’s well that ends well.”
22% of folks that responded aren’t so gracious in this situation. 12% of you think stealing ideas crosses a serious line, and you’re not ready to make up for that just yet. You think the church shouldn’t get such a free pass. Then another 10% are outraged, but for a different reason. Why in the world would a church copy a beer company in the first place?! Church and alcohol don’t mix.
Either way, it seems we’ve all learned a lesson from this one. Don’t copy, and if you can avoid it, just don’t mess up in general. But if you do, find a situation that’s a win for everyone.
This week, it’s a question everyone can answer: Does your church do a good job of telling stories to mobilize others?
Visit the Church Marketing Sucks home page to weigh your vote.
August 3, 2010
Yes, I’m in the not too disturbed camp.
-Marshall Jones Jr.
Renay Porell
May 16, 2012
Thx for information.