Recently, Kem Meyer mentioned an article from Chief Marketer entitled 7 Marketing Myths CMOs (and Their Bosses) Gotta Stop Buying.
I think myth numbers five and six hit the closest to home for churches:
Myth #5 – “I don’t care what it takes, just get it done!”
Myth #6 – “We can’t spare a dime to invest in research.”
All too often, we get so connected with an idea (a song, a service type, a TV show, etc.) that we’ll stop at nothing to make it a reality. I think the church loses a lot of resources this way, and it’s a fine line we have to walk.
And how many times have churches overlooked the value of research? Polls, surveys and research take a back-seat because of their up-front cost, in spite of their long-term benefits.
Make sure to read the full article for even more myths.
Rick Wilson
June 18, 2009
This is REALLY excellent. I especially like myth number 6.
For years I have tried to get churches and non-profits to accept the value of research. Many times the push back is framed in comments like “Well why should we believe what Arbitron says anyway.” How frustrating!
Great research can take us past our assumptions and give us invaluable information that leads to success. As a former (Radio) AE who lived and died on ratings I know how brutal numbers can be. But it’s a reality that can’t be devalued and dismissed. Research is always worth the time and effort.
Jesse Phillips
June 19, 2009
GREAT post, Joshua! Very true. Companies and churches should be analyzing what they’re doing, seeing if it’s biblical and if it’s producing committed disciples of Jesus, and then making changes as necessary if what they’re doing is not working.
Unfortunately, I fear that much of what we’re doing is not working.