A special congratulations goes out to Vincent Scatliffe of Decatur, Ga. for his victorious effort in our special Win a Free Trip to HOW contest! Of the first 30 respondents ...
I had lunch last week with an art director from one of the larger well-known churches in southern California. This guy (I’ll call him Brian) oozes sincerity and has a ...
So the 30-Day Sex Challenge is already well under way, and if you were looking to join in, you’ll have to wait until next year. We figured we’d wrap up ...
In this series I am previewing some preliminary results of my research into the best practices for Internet ministry. In my first post in this series, I suggested that churches ...
Here are a couple churches going out of their way to create buzz for Easter. Not everyone should do these things, but we always encourage thinking outside of the box.
Easter ...
This week, we take a break from our regularly-scheduled Church Marketing Lab roundup. I couldn’t help but highlight a single entry this week — a poignant and humorous submission that ...
The kind folks over at Catalyst pointed us to their most recent podcast with Seth Godin, our favorite bald marketing guru extraordinaire. As always, Seth has some incredible insights, and ...
If you haven’t entered to win the ticket to the HOW Design Conference this May 18-21, you still have a chance you’re out of luck–the drawing is now closed. We’re ...
Veggie Tales founder Phil Vischer has been blogging about his big dreams for his new company, Jellyfish (if you’re not familiar with Vischer’s departure from Big Idea, you should read ...
There’s a lot of newfangled names floating around for that thing churches usually do on Sunday mornings. We decided to round up a few of them and see just what ...
For the past year I have been conducting a research project on what makes a successful Internet ministry (see the specifics here). The goal of the research is to ...
Any church marketers out there looking for a job involving a healthy dose of damage control? Check out these couple of churches.
Trinity United Church of Christ. Barack Obama’s church is ...
How does church marketing suck? Well, we count the ways on this blog nearly every day. But one way church marketing can suck a little less is by learning from ...
Have you ever done a church survey? We talked about them long ago, but if you still haven’t jumped on the bandwagon, I wanted to give another little plug. It’s ...
Erwin McManus has his thoughts about why churches are in decline. And it’s not bad design, bad web sites or poor use of technology.
“My primary assessment would be because ...