WebUrbanist is in the midst of an eight-part series on guerrilla marketing. The examples used in the series are phenomenal, and they make me wonder, “Why the heck isn’t the ...
That’s it. I tried to let it roll off my back, but no more. I’m sick of stupid mistakes in e-mail newsletters. If you want your e-mail newsletter to be ...
Some churches slow down their marketing for the summer. About half actually. But the Church Marketing Lab is there for those who just get hotter as the summer heats up. ...
Graphic Designers: If you haven’t kicked the habit already, stop giving two to three design comps (or more) when you present key art ideas to your client or boss. Not ...
If you love to sift through a mountain of marketing material with an eye toward what can help your church, then you need to check out Alltop Marketing. They pull ...
Calling all 501(c)(3) organizations. In all likelihood, that is your church. And with that tax-exempt status, you lose the right to endorse a candidate or oppose a candidate. It’s set ...
Seth Godin addresses a topic particularly pertinent for the church–the marketing of fear. He tells a little story where he got an offer for insurance against invasion, carjacking and other ...
Saturday is the first day of summer, in case you were unaware. Here in the southeast, it’s a little discouraging that most days are in the 90s, but it’s still ...
How does your church toe the line between business and ministry? Some churches are corporate wannabes, other churches are rebels against a corporate mindset, but here was a school of ...
This week’s poll asks you, how does your church adjust its marketing efforts for summer? Why do we ask that? Well, it seems tons of churches just kind of chill ...
Summers at church mean a few things … less crowds, sweating pastors, bulletins as fans, sweet trips and cookouts. All of these things are way better when they’re promoted (except ...
Those are the words of Marie Claire as they look at dwindling numbers of Christians in Australia. Where do they turn to answer this question? Oh yeah, the marketers!
They asked ...
This is part one of an irregular and indefinite journey. Follow Associate Editor Joshua Cody as he works to get a style guide together for his church.
There are probably plenty ...
In last week’s poll, we wanted to know what impact the freeness of the Job Lab and Freelance Lab would have on you. We were pretty excited to offer them ...
Yesterday at the WWDC 2008 Keynote address Steve Jobs unveiled a beefed up iPhone and a new suite of mobile applications. It seems like half the world was salivating for ...